Whether a vehicle is new or old, owners have the duty to properly maintain their automobiles. This not only helps improve performance and the longevity of the vehicle, but it also ensures that the vehicle can safely operate on the roadways. One thing that often gets overlooked by motorists is the condition of their tires. While an unmaintained tire could be the cause of a blowout, another reason is due to a defect in the tire. Unfortunately, even when a vehicle is properly maintained, it can be difficult to determine if a tire is defective until it is too late.

A defective tire can have tragic results. It can cause an unsuspecting motorist to lose control of their vehicle, crashing into other vehicles or objects. This can result in a motorist and others to suffer great harms, such are serious injuries are damages. At Luis P. Guerra, LLC, our skilled legal team understands the devastation that could result from tire defects. Thus, we are dedicated to helping individuals in the Phoenix area explore their rights and take action.

Our law firm is prepared to fully investigate tire blowout incidents. If a tire is not functioning as it was designed to, it could mean a defect occurred. We not only take the time to establish the cause of these incidents but we also assess the damages suffered. This helps us make our clients whole again by addressing financial, emotional and physical damages suffered.

To learn more, check out our law firm’s tire defects website. The aftermath of a car accident can be very overwhelming. It can also be difficult to discern the cause of the crash. If one believes a defective tire is to blame, it is important to understand what steps could be taken to investigate this matter further, holding a negligent party accountable for the injuries and damages caused in this matter.