What if your “new” tires aren’t really so new?

As a conscientious vehicle owner, you strive to make sure your vehicle remains roadworthy. For you, this means keeping up and regular maintenance, fixing any problems and changing out your tires when needed. You understand that the better you take care of your...

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Distracted driving in Arizona

Distracted driving causes a significant amount of accidents in the United States and is dangerous for individuals behind the wheel. In 2017, there were almost 250,000 individuals involved in distracted driving accidents. Many people associate distracted driving with...

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Brace for impact, when possible

When it comes to car accidents, most experts agree that you should brace for impact if you can. While it's not typically possible to react in time, there are instances, such as rear-endings, where you may have enough time to decide. If an accident can't be avoided,...

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